Sup Guys, It's been a year since my last post, anyway I bought this hitman game for christmas. The problem is, everytime i tried to launch this game, an error occured, a failed to initialize direct x something something. Anyway i tried some trick like this one:
1) First of all,you have to download d3d11.dll file
2) After downloading,extract the contents to the Desktop.
3)Now on your Desktop,you can find d3d11.dll file.
4)You have to paste the copied file into C:Windows>System 32 or C: Windows>System 64
& C::Program Files>SQUARE ENIX>Hitman Absolution (Installation directory)
Well, its still not working, so I tried another trick.
to Start, right-click on “Computer” and select properties. Then select
“Advanced system settings” Click on the “Environment Variables” button
Under System Variables scroll down until you find “Path” Double click on
it and at the end of the text in there add in the Variable Value
section: “;C:\Windows\SysWOW64″ (the ; is used as a separator) Click OK
on both windows and you’re done!"
I found this trick from youtuber 'BeWaterMyFriendX10'.
Thanks God It's working now,now the promblem is. There is no sound in game, like litteraly no sound at all. And finally i tried to upgrade my OS to Win7 SP1 and now i can play this game perfectly.
Well i haven't finish this game but so far it's awesome. so if you guys intrested to buy this game. Get it from here
Well that's it. Keep your life entertained bye.